Coordinator: Mercè Bernaus Queralt

Mercè Bernaus Queralt
Bernaus Queralt
First name
Address for correspondence
Affiliation with educational networks/associations
  • APAC (Associació de Professors d'Anglès de Catalunya), Collegi de Llicenciats de Filofofia i Lletres
  • AESLA (Asociación Española de Lingüística Aplicada)
Work information
Occupation or position currently held
Main activities and responsibilities
Lectures, Practicum Tutorials
Name of employer
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Country of employment
Education and training
Relevant qualifications or training
  • Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics, Universitat de Barcelona
  • Pre-service and in-service teacher trainer at national and international leve
  • Coordination of 4 ECML projects in the 1st and 2nd Medium Term Programmel
Languages of communication
Mother tongue
Other languages of communication
Spanish, English, French
Project experience
  • EVLANG (Socrates-Lingua Project, coordinated by M. Candelier. The results were published by M. Candelier (ed.)2003."L'Éveil aux langues à l'école primaire". Bruxelles: De Boeck. I contributed in chapter 6.
  • JA-LING (ECML 1ST MEDIUM TERM PROGRAMME) (Coordinated by M. Candelier. I was a member of the expert team). The results were published in two booklets in English and French by the ECML & the Council of Europe.
  • THE STATUS OF LANGUAGE EDUCATORS (ECML 1ST MEDIUM TERM PROGRAMME) (Coordinated by Peter Radai. I was a member of the expert team). The results were published in two booklets in English and French by the ECML & the Council of Europe
  • TRAINED (ECML 2ND MEDIUM TERM PROGRAMME) (Coordinated by Gabriela Matei. I was a member of the expert team). The results will be published by the ECML & the Council of Europe.
  • LEA (ECML 2ND MEDIUM TERM PROGRAMME) I was the coordinator. The results will be published by the ECML & the Council of Europe.
Expertise in the topic of the project
Practice in the field
I've been involved in 3 previous projects related to plurilingualim and pluriculturalism (EVLANG, JA-LING and LEA)
Other relevant experience
I disseminated the above mentioned projects in different seminars and conferences
M. Candelier (ed.) 2003.(Co-author) "L'Éveil aux langues à l'école primaire". Bruxelles: De Boeck
.P. Radai. 2003. "The Status of Language Educators".(Co-author). ECML. Council of Europe Publishing.
M. Candelier. 2003."Janua Linguarum - La porte des langues. L’introduction de l’éveil aux langues dans le curriculum". (Co-author). ECML. Council of Europe Publishing.
M. Bernaus. 2004. “Un Nuevo paradigma en la didáctica de las lenguas”.Glosas Didácticas, nº 11, p. 3-13. ISSN 1576-7809.
M, Bernaus. 2005. «La coexistence de plusieurs langues et cultures. Un défi pour l’Union Européenne ». Les Langues Modernes 4/2005, Dossier Les Langues pour la Cohésion Sociale.