Coordinator: Mercè Bernaus Queralt
Affiliation with educational networks/associations
- APAC (Associació de Professors d'Anglès de Catalunya), Collegi de Llicenciats de Filofofia i Lletres
- AESLA (Asociación Española de Lingüística Aplicada)
Work information
Education and training
Languages of communication
Project experience
- EVLANG (Socrates-Lingua Project, coordinated by M. Candelier. The results were published by M. Candelier (ed.)2003."L'Éveil aux langues à l'école primaire". Bruxelles: De Boeck. I contributed in chapter 6.
- JA-LING (ECML 1ST MEDIUM TERM PROGRAMME) (Coordinated by M. Candelier. I was a member of the expert team). The results were published in two booklets in English and French by the ECML & the Council of Europe.
- THE STATUS OF LANGUAGE EDUCATORS (ECML 1ST MEDIUM TERM PROGRAMME) (Coordinated by Peter Radai. I was a member of the expert team). The results were published in two booklets in English and French by the ECML & the Council of Europe
- TRAINED (ECML 2ND MEDIUM TERM PROGRAMME) (Coordinated by Gabriela Matei. I was a member of the expert team). The results will be published by the ECML & the Council of Europe.
- LEA (ECML 2ND MEDIUM TERM PROGRAMME) I was the coordinator. The results will be published by the ECML & the Council of Europe.
Expertise in the topic of the project