Introductory information

  • looking up information with the help of bilingual or monolingual dictionaries
  • exploring diversity through comparing different European languages
Marie Hofmannová
Charles University, Prague, Faculty of Education, Czech Republic
Target group
Learners aged 15 – 16
Mathematics, English as a foreign language (intermediate level - B2)
  1. To introduce the concept of body part counting and measuring.
  2. To present examples from different cultures worldwide.
  3. To demonstrate the way “body part mathematics” reflects in diverse number systems.
  4. To explore multilingual/cultural aspects of body part counting and measuring.

Key competences

Communication in language(s)
Communication in L1 (The mother tongue or the language of instruction)
  • negotiating meaning in reading comprehension tasks
  • discussing the concepts and findings
Communication in English and other foreign languages
  • improving reading comprehension skills
  • learning and practicing new vocabulary for problem solving
  • enhancing fluency through discussions in pairs
  • including the languages of the learners present in the classroom
Learning to learn
  • looking up information with the help of bilingual or monolingual dictionaries
  • exploring diversity through comparing different European languages
Digital competences
  • exploring diversity through comparing different counting and measuring systems
  • looking for relevant information on the Internet
Social and civic competences
  • learning to cooperate in multilingual/cultural pairs
  • learning about the cultures of the pupils present in the classroom
  • learning about diversity from the history of mathematics
Timing of the overall activities
approximately 120 minutes, preferably introduced as a sequence of six shorter lesson stages.
Resources and materials needed
bilingual / monolingual dictionaries, access to the Internet, map of the world.
Focus on content
Mathematics (body part counting and measuring, number systems);
Focus on languages
Vocabulary: everyday language (names of body parts in different languages), subject specific terminology: language of Mathematics (number systems, units of length);
Grammar: speculating, i.e. expressing modality (Worksheet 3).

Note: All the materials for the students are framed.


Worksheet 1
From the history of Mathematics
Material for Teachers
Material for Students
Worksheet 2
Body parts
Material for Teachers
Material for Students
Worksheet 3
Body part counting in New Guinea
Material for Teachers
Material for Students
Worksheet 4
Body part measuring in Europe
Material for Teachers
Material for Students
Worksheet 5
Number systems
Material for Teachers
Material for Students
Worksheet 6
Task to be introduced by the teacher to the whole class
Material for Teachers
Material for Students