Our home - our world
Introductory Information
Key Competences
1. Exploring diversity -The place where we live
Worksheet 5
Looking for information
Worksheet 6
Human migration
2. Changing the place where we live
Worksheet 1
Migration - Family Perspective
Worksheet 2
Migration - Czech perspective
Worksheet 4
Migration and our town
3. Meeting new friends in our town
Worksheet 1
New classmates
Worksheet 2
Our town - our region
Worksheet 3
Our town and the world
4. Exploring multicultural aspects of our town / region
Worksheet 2
Out-of-school exploration
5. Presenting exploration results – our town and the world
Notes for the teacher
Pupils can present their work in L2 and some L1. They should also include
the languages spoken in their school or class.
Expected outcomes:
Thematic maps of the town (region) according to the explored topics.
Large sheets of paper used for the display of pictures, maps, text
- Other.