Our beautiful earth: A view from space
Introductory information
Key competences
1. Countries around the world
Worksheet 1
Snapshots of our earth from space
2. Finding information about different countries
3. Exploring the languages of different countries
5. Experimenting with languages
6. The strait of Gibraltar
Worksheet 2: Learning what straits, isthmi/isthmuses, canals are
Worksheet 3
Exploring the languages around the Gibraltar strait
7. The black sea and the red sea
Worksheet 1
Learning about the location and the names of the Black sea and the Red
sea in different languages
Worksheet 2
The Black sea and the countries around it
Worksheet 4
“Black” and “Red” are not just colours
8. Time zones
Worksheet 1
Finding out about the time zones
Worksheet 2
“Good morning” and “good evening” in different languages
Worksheet 3
Learning “good morning” and “good evening” in different
Worksheet 1
Review and assessment project