Martine Kervran
Affiliation with educational networks
Member of APLV ( Association des Professeurs de Langues Vivantes/ France)
Member of EDILiC (Association Internationale Education à al diversité
linguistique et cultuerlle)
Work information
Education and training
Languages of communication
Contribution to the project
Teacher training experience (trainer in Insitut Universitaire de formation des
maîtres since 1994)
EVLANG (Socrates-Lingua Project, coordinated by M. Candelier.1997-2000):
member of the French team and collaboration to the book L’éveil aux
langues à l’école primaire (chapter 2)
2000-2004).Expert for France/ coordinator of a netwok/ collaboration to
the publication
LEA (ECML 2ND MEDIUM TERM PROGRAMME cocordinated by M bernaus. 2003-2006)
member of the coordinating team. Role in the project team
Dissemination of the results of the project through teacher training
institutes and institutional organisations
Teacher training expertise at primary, secondary and third level for
didactics of languages and plurilinguslism
Expertise in the development of plurilingual didactic materials for French
- Experience with other European projects: Evlang, Ja-ling, LEA
- Team work and team management experience.