Aim and specific objectives

  • To raise plurilingual, pluricultural and intercultural COMPETENCE and AWARENESS among primary and secondary school teachers and their pupils
  • To EMPOWER teachers to create QUALITY cross-curricular materials in English, French and Spanish, as an L2, for primary and secondary school learners, introducing the languages and cultures that may be present in the classroom or not into a number of subjects
  • To motivate teachers and decision-makers to IMPACT on a reform of language learning and teaching,


Specific objectives
  1. To develop activities and materials to be used in the first workshop to develop teachers' COMPETENCE in raising language and culture awareness in any subject
  2. To EMPOWER participants to develop additional QUALITY materials and to pilot these materials in national professional networks and/or their own classrooms
  3. To require participants to provide learner and teacher feedback of the piloting by means of a questionnaire
  4. To exchange feedback between team members and selected participants about the contibutions to the kit
  5. To disseminate the aims and content of the kit to education authorities in order to IMPACT educational reforms
  6. To publish the kit of materials developed by the team members and the participants of ConBaT+ promoting the inclusion of the languages and cultures present in the classroom in CLIL materials. The publication will be in electronic and paper format