Teacher training experience (trainer in Insitut Universitaire de formation des maîtres since 1994)
- EVLANG (Socrates-Lingua Project, coordinated by M. Candelier.1997-2000): member of the French team and collaboration to the book L’éveil aux langues à l’école primaire (chapter 2)
- JA-LING (ECML 1ST MEDIUM TERM PROGRAMMECoordinated by M. Candelier. 2000-2004).Expert for France/ coordinator of a netwok/ collaboration to the publication -
- LEA (ECML 2ND MEDIUM TERM PROGRAMME cocordinated by M bernaus. 2003-2006) member of the coordinating team.
Role in the project team:
- Dissemination of the results of the project through teacher training institutes and institutional organisations
- Teacher training expertise at primary, secondary and third level for didactics of languages and plurilinguslism
Expertise in the development of plurilingual didactic materials for French
- Experience with other European projects: Evlang, Ja-ling, LEA
- Team work and team management experience.